Attractive plants will be at home in your flower garden
Chives are perfect for the lazy gardener. They’re easy to grow, and the leaves are fantastic in salads or cooked in stir fries. Easy to Read More
Chives are perfect for the lazy gardener. They’re easy to grow, and the leaves are fantastic in salads or cooked in stir fries. Easy to germinate, you’ll get an excellent harvest of leaves. Allow the pretty flowers to mature and seed - they’ll keep on coming up in your garden.
Onion seeds germinate easily provided they are not planted too deeply, so sow thinly to limit the need for thinning when planting direct. Cover with fine soil or potting medium to a maximum depth of 5mm and keep moist. Germination is faster at warmer temperatures, but soil temperatures of 5 degrees are not too cold.
How to Harvest
You can harvest green onions as soon as the bulbs have swollen. However, the best time is after the tops have flopped over and browned off. Lift your onion bulbs, shake off excess soil, and either eat immediately or leave to cure in a well-ventilated place. When the necks are dry, cut off the old leaves and store in mesh bags.
Onion seeds germinate easily provided they are not planted too deeply, so sow thinly to limit the need for thinning when planting direct. Cover with fine soil or potting medium to a maximum depth of 5mm and keep moist. Germination is faster at warmer temperatures, but soil temperatures of 5 degrees are not too cold.
How to Harvest
You can harvest green onions as soon as the bulbs have swollen. However, the best time is after the tops have flopped over and browned off. Lift your onion bulbs, shake off excess soil, and either eat immediately or leave to cure in a well-ventilated place. When the necks are dry, cut off the old leaves and store in mesh bags.